21.10.2024 - 25.10.2024
Zeughaustrasse 31, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
Félix Bürcher (CH) - Sara Pineda Fernandez (CH) - Costanza Giorgi (IT) - Jorė Gritėnaitė (LT) - Tatiana Johnson (US) - Yanina Khasanova (UA) - Dominique Lämmli (CH) - Stefano Molo (CH) - Reetika Mukherjee (IN) - Nike Nannt (DE) - Fairuz Nawar (BD) - Marie-France Rafael (FR) - Niclas Riepshoff (DE) - Joshua Venturino (CH) - Tamara Vepkhvadze (GE) - Begüm Yildirim (TR)
Exhibition Text/展示文
The exhibition AT THE PREMISES OF is the result of a one-week intensive seminar with ENTERPRISE as guest lecturers for the MFA/ZHdK Practice Seminar, led by Prof. Dr. Dominique Lämmli, Prof. Dr. Marie-France Rafael, and Niclas Riepshoff. The seminar explores how art can be presented and perceived within unconventional spaces.
AT THE PREMISES OF centers around a dialogue between ENTERPRISE (an artist duo based in Tokyo and Zurich) and the MFA students’ examination of alternative modes of presentation. The project space in Zurich becomes the venue for this experimental inquiry. By engaging with the materiality, temporality, and social context of the space, the MFA students develop artistic displays, placing questions of presentation and process at the center of their reflections. The works relate to this unconventional place-a former police-station, now used as a „Zwischennutzung“ in Zurich-, just as they also create antagonistic moments inviting viewers to reconsider their relationship to art—how it is seen, understood, and interacted with.
The exhibition AT THE PREMISES OF underscore topics of visibility and context that play into our understanding of art. This collaboration with ENTERPRISE questions the prevailing exhibition conventions of art itself, by playing with the modalities of exhibition protocols.

Zurich University of the Arts